Wednesday, January 12, 2005

The downside of working at a newspaper . . .

One of the worst parts about working at a newspaper is the regular nights I end up working. Because I’m somehow a jack-of-all-trades (and believe me, I’m a master at none, and really not overly good an any, for that matter), I’ve ended up designing the sports pages two nights a week (known around the office as “doing desk.”)

During football season, I’m stuck in the office while everyone else is out covering games on Friday nights. My little town is like most in the South in that football reigns supreme, and that usually means I’m up at the office until 1 a.m. or later. Obviously it sucks and makes weekends basically nothing more than a chance to catch up on sleep and reset your clock for Monday morning. Now that football season is over, I’m stuck doing desk on Wednesdays and Thursdays, and that obviously means I’m missing Law & Order, which I believe is the single greatest show ever devised by the mind of mortal man. (Though SportsCenter is a close second).

Because of that, I end up taping each Wednesday’s episode (no Tivo for me yet) and watching it when I get home and finish watching The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. I don’t mind so much, but it’s an inconvienence I’d rather not have to deal with. But on the plus side, I’m still gainfully (however meagerly) employed.

I bring up Law & Order because I feel if I’m going to make this blog work, I need some kind of rhythm and pacing to it, so every Wednesday for the next several months, I’m going to be counting down the characters from worst to first.

When I was putting the list together (no small feat considering the show has been on the air for almost 75 percent of Official Brother’s life, and he’s a college junior), the top and bottom of the list were easy, it’s the muddied middle ground that got difficult.

Anyway, at the very bottom of the list is Dianne West, who played District Attorney Nora Lewin for two seasons. She was absolutely dreadful in the roll. She looked in over her head, not able to convincingly portray someone with the power of the DA’s office. To make matters worse, she replaced Stephen Hill, who masterfully played DA Adam Schiff. If it weren’t for Jack McCoy (Sam Waterston) and Lennie Briscoe (Jerry Orbach - God rest his soul), Law & Order would have jumped the shark at that time. I’d write more, but it’s to depressing (just like those miserable Psalms. It’s always ‘sorry this’ or ‘forgive me that’ or ‘I’m not worthy.’”

What I’m watching: Law & Order (On tape delay)
What I’m reading: Sports Illustrated
On deck: Why John Madden is ruining my marriage