Thursday, January 13, 2005

John Madden, you wonderful, terrible man

I'm a sports nut. I even convinced Yes Dear to set our wedding date at the beginning of August to avoid conflits with football season (as a baseball fan, I figured I could miss a week of games on our honeymoon, but football season is an entirely different beast.)

Amazingly, Yes Dear went a long with it. However, Official Brother isn't pleased that I've told people about the plan, because when he and The Girlfriend discuss marriage (it's still a long way off), she doesn't want him to set their wedding date based on sports.

I'm learning more and more that my sports obsessed lifestyle is different and not altogether understood by members of the fairer sex. Of course, I grew up in a house with two brothers, a father who ran track and cross country and a mother who used a Vince Lombardi qoute in her senior yearbook.

Case in point, before Christmas, Official Parents took the family and The Girlfriend to dinner after some Christmas shopping. We end up at Outback Steakhouse (good times) and Parental Unit's favorite team is playing. Well, we're not fortunate enough to sit near a television, so when our waiter asks if we need anything, Parental Unit asked the waiter to check on the score.

Yes Dear and The Girlfriend were shocked. Of all people, the mother shoudn't be asking about a sports score at dinner. In fact, later, The Girlfriend asked Yes Dear how she puts up with sports all the time. Fortunately for me, Yes Dear has become a fan of the Cubs, thanks in part to Nomar Garciaparra's dashing good looks (or so I'm told).

So the sports obsession isn't entirely my fault. But not only do I watch sports almost constantly, but my Playstation2 video game collection is almost entirely sports games, including the last three installments of Madden and NCAA Football and I play them fairly often, much to the dismay of Yes Dear, who for some reason doesn't see playing video games as quality time together. Apparently, she feels that I don't pay her any attention when I'm . . . FIRST DOWN, good job guys . . . sorry, what was I saying?

So what if I plan vacations around sports. Heck, in college I would plan my spring semester around the week in March that the NCAA basketball tournament would start, scheduling classes to be done by noon so I could spend those days watching the tourney.

On my radio: ESPN radio
What I'm watching: Nothing tonight, stupid job (see below)
On deck: A closer look at the characters in the office