Thursday, April 07, 2005

Giving in to peer pressure

For quite some time, I've been resisting the "100 things about you" blog due to my belief that there aren't 100 things about me worth mentioning. However, as I'm sitting here tonight watching my Cubbies lose (again), I figured I'd better do that, because if I write about the Cubs right now, I'm liable to write something I'll regret ($100 million payroll and this is our bullpen?!?)

Anyway, without further delay, here's my first 50.

1. I'm already struggling with what to write.
2. My wife and I were born in the same hospital . . .
3. It was in New Jersey . . .
4. It's the same town that Jon Bon Jovi lived in.
5. We didn't meet until we came to college.
6. My wife, that is, not Bon Jovi.
7. I've never met Jon Bon Jovi, but I like his music.
8. I'm a huge sports fan.
9. This tends to be a problem as my wife is not.
10. I'm a long-suffering Cubs fan.
11. My wife is a new-suffering Cubs fan.
12. She only likes the Cubs because of Nomar Garciaparra.
13. I like Nomar because he can hit and his wife is hot.
14. I hope she doesn't read #13.
15. My wife, that is, not Nomar's wife.
16. I hope Nomar's wife does read #13.
17. I graduated from Georgia Southern university with a journalism degree.
18. None of my journalism professors ever mentioned the fact that journalism is the lowest-paying college degree.
19. That information would have been useful to know at the time.
20. I also graduated from Statesboro High School, where Georgia Southern is located.
21. I work 2 miles from my kindergarten classroom.
22. I haven't made it very far in life.
23. My last remaining goal in life is to see Fenway Park.
24. I need more goals in life.
25. I did see Wrigley Field already, which was my other goal.
26. I played soccer for 14 years growing up.
27. Soccer skills don't translate well into the real world.
28. Despite playing soccer for so long, I find the games boring to watch.
29. At one time I was a certified soccer official and coach.
30. I spend too much time watching TV.
31. #30 isn't my fault, it's the only way I could watch the Cubs.
32. I have an unhealthy obsession with Law & Order.
33. I don't exercise as much as I should.
34. My wife is a personal trainer.
35. She reminds me of #33 fairly often.
36. I hate "working out."
37. I'd much rather play a sport involving a ball of some kind.
38. I have two brothers and no sisters.
39. My mom was the only female figure in my life growing up.
40. She's a huge Green Bay Packers fan, as well as a Brett Favre fan.
41. She used a Vince Lombardi quote in her senior yearbook.
42. Is it any wonder I'm such a sports fan?
43. Dad ran a marathon once.
44. I drove 26.2 miles once.
45. I finished faster than dad did.
46. I have a huge crush on Jill Hennessy
47. #46 was really just an excuse to find a Jill Hennessy picture.
48. I own a Bradford College "Fighting Squirrels" hat.
49. Bradford College no longer exists.
50. I may change the name of my fantasy sports teams to the Fighting Squirrels.

There's a good chance my "100 things" stops at 50, but I'll try and finish out the next 50 sometime soon.