Monday, November 28, 2005

The Thanksgiving Song

Don't blame me for today's title. It's not my fault Adam Sandler didn't give his Thanksgiving song a better name.

We didn't set out to start a tradition. I guess no one does. But 15 years ago when my friendds and I were looking for something to do the Friday after Thanksgiving, we did what any pre-teen boys would do. We got all the kids our age in the neighborhood together and started a football game.

After a short while of playing in someone's front yard, we decided we'd be better off if we got one of our parents to drive us up to the local high school field and we'd spend the afternoon playing there. Near the end of the game (which was played on the full 100-yard field, despite the fact there were, at best 10 total people playing), someone dubbed the game the Turkey Bowl, and thus a tradition was born.

Over the years, the cast of players has changed. Only my two brothers and another set of brothers remains from the early years. But despite the turnover, the game continues. When I was in high school, the game would last three hours or more. Last Friday's game lasted less than two.

A few years in, the annual field goal kicking contest was born. For years, 40 yards was the record. Even though many of us played soccer, no one ever could break the 40-yard barrier. More than likely, it was psychological. Several people would kick a 40-yarder with plenty of room to spare, but when we backed up five yards, we couldn't come close. That was, until a few years ago when someone drilled a 51-yard field goal. This year, no one broke 40.

The traditional has not been without it's kinks. For the past several years, we've had to wait for the team to leave for their state playoff game before we could play. (For some reason, the coaches don't want random people tearing up their field in the event they might need it next week.) One year, a guy brought his girlfriend back from college to play. Being the nice people we are, we gave her the ball near the goal line to let her score and feel like she was a part of the game. Unfortunately, someone tackled her (did I mention we play tackle . . . it was a good idea when we were 11 and 12, not so good when you're 26 and out of shape, anyway, I digress . . .) someone tackled her and broke her arm. Oh, she was visiting from Texas.

Another year, we couldn't play at our normal field, so we all loaded into our cars and drove the three miles to the nearby soccer fields to play. On the way over, two people got pulled over by the police for speeding, making it the most expensive Turkey Bowl ever.

At this point, the game is really an excuse to get together and catch up with everyone's life. For example, I learned a guy I went to high school with is now a teacher in Louisiana. If not for the Turkey Bowl, I'd have no idea what he was up to.

Phone calls are no longer made to set up the game. It's known that at 2 p.m. on the Friday after Thanksgiving, it's Turkey Bowl time. One of these years, I'll actually be in shape again and won't be sore for the three days after playing.

Georgia Southern Update: Leading 35-16 with 4:20 remaining in the third quarter, things were looking good for Georgia Southern. Unfortunately, I think the Eagles loaded up the bus and headed back towards the airport without finishing the game as Georgia Southern collapsed to lose 50-35 in the first round of the 1-AA playoffs. The loss ended the Eagles season at 8-4. The grumblings on the Georgia Southern message board is that the head coach needs to be fired. An altogether unsatisfying end to the season.

Fantasy update: I've generally tried to avoid using the same person as my fantasy girl, but when news broke Thanksgiving morning that Jessica Simpson was back on the market, well, there was only one choice for this week's Fantasy Girl. Jessica, if you're reading, Yes Dear and I have discussed it and she'd grant me a divorce to marry you and she'll marry Nick. It might be a little awkward around the holidays, but we'll get though it. In other fantasy news, the Fighting Squirrels are limping towards the end of the season, trailing in both leagues with little chance of winning. Despite that, I've sewn up a playoff spot in one league and will need someone to change the laws of mathematics for me to make the playoffs in another league.

Weekend update: For the first time since late August, I didn't have to work late on Friday night. To celebrate, Yes Dear and I went out to dinner with some friends in nearby Savannah. It was a lot of fun. Saturday, we watched Georgia Southern lose Sunday was laundry day. I've got to make better use of my weekends. Any suggestions?

Yes Dear Job Hunt update: Yes Dear is interviewing with Georgia Southern on Friday. (Initially it was supposed to be Tuesday, but some scheduling conflicts pushed it back to Friday.) She's been told she can't come to work on Thursday since the other candidate for the position she wants will be interviewing that day. (So if any of you are in Statesboro on Thursday and want to help me out, you can somehow sabotage the interview. It would really help us out a lot. Thanks.)

Next Update: Friday

Thanks for making the Nexus of the Universe a part of your day.