Monday, December 05, 2005

Under Pressure

So Yes Dear got home from her interview at Georgia Southern last Friday and was much more worked up about it than I thought she'd be. After all, she's been working there for five of the seven years the building has been open and everyone there knows her extremely well. How hard could the interview have been?

As it turns out, much harder than she anticipated. Because they all knew her well, they were able to ask much deeper and probing questions then they otherwise would have been able to. All along, Yes Dear was figuring that her familiarity with those on the search committee would be a plus, but when it came time for questioning her, it turned into a detriment.

Instead of the "how would you describe your management style?" type questions, Yes Dear got "Your mentor has been Becky (not her real name), if we hired you, how would we know you wouldn't just be a puppet of Becky?" Not what she was expecting.

(Not to mention my previous mention of Yes Dear not getting a tour of campus or a tour of the city . . . If she's not hired, we're looking at a discrimination suit.)

She hopes to know something by the end of the week. If she could find out by Thursday, that would be ideal since she's graduating on Friday. (happy happy, joy joy. We do the dance of joy.)

Fantasy update: Sure, Heather Locklear is old enough to be my older sister, but she's still got "it." In other fantasy news, the Fighting Squirrels had a fantastic week, going 2-0 on the week, even before the Monday Night games. In one league, I improved to 9-4 while in the other league, I improved to 6-7 in the other league. What does that mean for you, well, it means the playoffs are right around the corner and as soon as I lose, the Fantasy Updates go on hiatus for a few months. But don't worry, it'll most likely return at the beginning of baseball season.

Weekend update: After going to work in the morning, Yes Dear and I went out and picked out our Christmas Tree. Then we decorated it while watching football. Nothing celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ quite like killing and tree and displaying the spoils of your conquest in your living room. That night, we went to a Christmas party with some friends and had a grand time. Sunday I had to work again and then I went to my parents for dinner while Yes Dear went to a Christmas Party. The only downside of the whole weekend is I forgot to tape Law & Order: Criminal Intent. Fortunately, NBC is in the crapper and there's a good chance they'll show that episode again soon since the Law & Order Series is basically the only thing they've got going for them at this point.

Christmas Update: We're about halfway though with our Christmas shopping. I still need to figure out what to get my dad and we need to get something for Yes Dear's mom and dad, but other than that, we're done. By the way, only 19 shopping days left.

Blog Update: My goal is to get away from the more personal updates and get back to writing more newspaper-type columns in this space. Most likely they'll be sports-centered, but every now and again I'll delve into something else.

Thanks again for making the Nexus of the Universe a part of your day. You've got thousands of choices and I appreciate you wasting five minutes of your day here.

Next Update: Thursday (no Friday update due to Yes Dear's graduation. It's ok, you can blame her for that, I am)