Thursday, March 10, 2005

Four more things you may not have known . . .

As Bill Simmons' intern contest continues, I continue my unannounced entry by answering four more questions he's asked his potential interns.

1. What's your favorite SNL sketch ever and why?

While I've expressed my affinity for the Christopher Walken/Will Ferrell masterpiece "More Cowbell," that, to me isn't the funniest sketch of all time. (And since I'm only 26, "of all time" really means the last 10 years). However, I've managed to narrow down my favorite SNL sketch to two finalists:

A. Sarah Michelle Gellar hosted the show in which Gellar, Ana Gasteyer and Ferrell are eating dinner in what appears to be the typical suburban family. However, Gellar hates her mother, Ferrell is stressed at work and Gasteyer is busy trying to play peacemaker. Eventually the argument escalates to the trio shouting at each other before Ferrell finally shouts "I DRIVE A DODGE STATUS" as though that should settle all arguments. The absurdity of a Dodge Stratus being the supreme status symbol and therefore making you above reproach is gold. Throw in Gellar's "I wish you were dead" when her mom asks about school and you've got comedy gold.

B. Mariel Hemingway hosts what may have been Ferrell's first sketch on SNL. Hemingway and Ferrell seem to be the typical family and invite friends over for the first time for a cookout. In between talking about golfing outings and future plans, Ferrell asks his children to get off the shed. In typical Ferrell fashion, his anger escalates before he shouts at the children " I will punch you in the face if you don't get off the shed! Now, get off the shed! GET OFF THE SHED!! GET OFF THE DAMN SHED!!" Eventually the guests begin pleading with the children to get off the shed before they finally comply.

2. What's the funniest scene in movie history and why?

Maybe it's because we've been talking about it at work recently, but the funniest scene in a movie would have to be the scene in "Blues Brothers" where Elwood and Jake are trying to elude the Cops after running a red light. ("The light was yellow, officer.") anyway, as the Blues Brothers drive like a bat out of hell though the streets, the end up in a shopping mall, much to the dismay of shoppers everywhere. Surrounded by the over-the-top absurdity of the moment, Jake delivers the most underrated line in the movie. "This mall's got everything." Simply the fact that they're on a high-speed chase though a shopping mall is great comedy, but add in the understated observation of a recently paroled convict and you've got the funniest scene ever in a movie.

3. What's your favorite reality-TV moment ever and why?

Any episode of the 5th wheel, an absolute train wreck every time.

4. If you could choose any sports scandal to happen, what would it be and why?

Imagine this: Michael Irvin is in a hotel with hookers and coke when Nate Newton arrives with 213 pounds of pot. Pete Rose is in the bathroom placing bets on the outcome of the Michael Jackson trial when Deion Sanders walks in, sleeps with a hooker, snorts some coke and smokes some pot before leaving a $10 bill on the table because Jesus told him that's all he needed to pay. Why would I want this? Because the stretched truth is so much better than any fiction.