Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Continuing the countdown to 100

In case you missed the first 50, click here.

Now, as Casey Kasum would say, "On with the countdown," (or, in this case, the count up to 100.)

51. My wife and I scheduled our wedding around Georgia Southern football.
52. It was my idea.
53. It was the only one of my wedding ideas that was implemented without changes.
54. We got married the last time the Cubs made the playoffs (in 2003.)
55. I believe our wedding had something to do with the Cubs winning.
56. I go to church most every week.
57. I have some problems with organized religion.
58. I'm a political moderate.
59. Due to a policy I have regarding this blog (namely no complaining), that's all I'll say about both religion and politics.
60. In addition to Jill Hennessy, I have a huge crush on Catherine Zeta-Jones.
61. Just for the heck of it, here's another photo of the lovely Catherine.
62. I believe Bill Simmons is the best sports writer in America right now.
63. I believe Seinfeld was the funniest sitcom in television history.
64. I wish I had a friend like George. (A little something for the lady readers)
65. I read a lot of stuff, but rarely books.
66. I'm disappointed Sports Illustrated isn't a socially acceptable answer to the question "What are you reading?"
67. Just to say I'm somewhat literate, I have started reading actual books.
68. I'm becoming a fan of Dan Brown.
69. He wrote The Da Vinci Code.
70. Currently I'm reading Deception Point by Brown.
71. I don't have the knowledge or the training to give a book review, so I'll spare you the agony.
72. You'll very rarely find anything about work on my blog.
73. It's part of that "no complaining" policy I have.
74. That being said, I really enjoy the people I work with.
75. I recently started playing racketball with my brother.
76. It's disappointing to see a ping-pong table set up just outside the racketball courts.
77. Especially when you're exhausted after only 25 minutes of playing.
78. I keep saying I need to get in shape.
79. When I tell people that, they remind me that round is a shape.
80. I once played 270 minutes of soccer in a 36 hour span.
81. In my mind, I still can.
82. In reality, after one sprint down the field, I'd be begging for a substitute.
83. I don't volunteer as much as I should.
84. I rationalize that by saying stories I do for good causes for the paper count as charity work.
85. I want to put a joke here about charity work and my paycheck, but fear of a vengeful and powerful higher-up on the corporate ladder reading this compels me to write this statement instead.
86. The higher-ups scare me.
87. Heck, my editor scares me.
88. I have an irrational fear of getting fired.
89. Some may say it's a rational fear after reading my work.
90. I think I may be starting to become addicted to Baseball Tonight.
91. I try to walk at least a mile 3-4 times a week.
92. I can't believe I'm this close but can't think of anything else.
93. My final celebrity crush would have to be Debra Messing.
94. Oddly enough, I don't watch much Will and Grace.
95. If I stop now, would anyone be disappointed?
96. You would?
97. Then I'll continue on.
98. I was on the opening montage of our local newscast for more than a year.
99. No one ever asked me for an autograph.
100. I made it though the list without mentioning my Playstation2.

There you have it. 100 useless facts about me. Now don't you wish you'd gone to espn.com like you'd planned?

On Deck: Something interesting, maybe.