Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Don't fight the NyQuil

While I’m sitting here, my coworker and fellow blogger, Scott, is recovering from a wicked nasty cold that basically knocked him out of commission for two weeks.

His voice still hasn’t fully recovered (and if you’ve ever worked with him, that means there’s much more peace and quiet in which to actually work), but his sense of humor and bounce in his step is back.

As we were talking today, he mentioned taking the wonder drug of all wonder drugs, Nyquil, last night to help him sleep.

While others may prefer Tylenol, Advil or marijuana for their drug of choice, to me, there’s no great achievement in modern medicine than NyQuil.

It’s like the veterinarian of medication. A vet has to be able to cure a dog, a chicken, a cow, a pig or a cat all in one day. Likewise, NyQuil handles coughing, aching, stuffy head and a fever all while helping you sleep when death actually looks like the preferred way of escaping the cold.

I don’t get sick often, so when I do get to take NyQuil, it’s like a kid getting ice cream growing up. It’s a treat. But when I do get to take NyQuil, it’s like a little piece of heaven.

And like any good person, I’m routinely taking the magic elixir for a day or two longer than necessary, just for the good sleep it provides.

But there is a drawback to NyQuil. You can fight it. Typically, I’ll drink the juice 20 minutes before I plan on being asleep, giving it time to do it’s thing just as I’m ready for a long night of slumber.

However, on those strange days when I take it and then find something on television I want to watch, NyQuil turns in to Mike Tyson. If you can survive the first few rounds, the fight is yours. Sure, you’ll be a little groggy (correction: you’ll be a lot groggy,) but you’ll eventually win the battle.

But there is a caveat. I’m one of those crazy people who actually follow the recommended dosage and times for drugs, so while fighting the NyQuil may benefit me in the short run by allowing me to see the end of The Daily Show, I’ve got three more hours of feeling just tired enough to go to bed, but just sick enough that sleep is as elusive as a date with Tyra Banks.