Friday, April 22, 2005

What did I do . . .

If you're a sports fan, you know that Cubs shortstop Nomar Garciaparra tore his groin muscle Wednesday night. (Just writing that makes me wince in pain)

(Aside from the obvious implications for the Cubs, this means I won't get to see Garciaparra when the Cubs play the Braves in Atlanta in July. Yes Dear won't be happy about that!)

Well, to show my support for the fallen Cubbie, I wore my Boston Red Sox Nomar jersey today. It's the least I could do to show my support for the new face of the Cubs.

Anyway, I'm wearing the jersey at work, suffering though the insults and mock sympathy for losing my team's biggest star for two or three months when it comes time to head home for dinner.

Lo and behold, when I get home and opened the door, it hit me like a rush of hot air. Actually, it was a rush of hot air. Apparently our air filter was in desperate need of changing and therefore refused to let any air circulate though the apartment. The thermostat was reading 84. Not good times at all.

So I turn around and head to the nearest air filter store in an effort to alleviate the problem. It was there that it happened.

I was booed as I entered the store.

Two women, probably in their early 20s were, for some reason, sitting outside talking when I walked towards the entrance.

It would appear that the two ladies held some sort of animosity towards the Red Sox and expressed their displeasure in the jersey I'd chosen to wear that day.

I laughed as I walked in the store and they looked at me through the window, laughing as well.

When I walked out, they were still there and we laughed again. They didn't know that I'm not a Red Sox fan. I guess the Cubs hat I had on didn't give it away.

Still, being booed walking into a grocery store was a little wired.