Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Why I'm not worried about amnesia

I don't take as many precautions in life as I should. I don't have a will or a living will, and while I doubt this is a legally-binding document, God forbid if I'm ever in a persistant vegatative state or coma, please, whatever you do, don't let me be the center of a media and political controversy. I don't want to be on TV around the clock with the likes of Bill O'Reilly and Nancy Grace discussing my future.

But despite being woefully unprepared for a tragic demise, I have taken on step to ensure people can identify me.

In my truck, I keep a name tag I was given at some conference I went to that has my name, my place of employment and the city in which I live. In the unfortunate event that I ever suffer amneisa and lose my memory while in my truck, I'll be able to look to the tag to help me figure out who I am.

As Eddie mentioned in his blog, I will have a column in Thursday's Statesboro Herald defending Jon Stewart and the Daily Show from a needless attack from a hack syndicated columnist. Don't worry, I'll be sure to post it here Thursday morning after it appears in the paper. (As I've mentioned, they pay me, so they get it first.)