Friday, June 17, 2005

Help me Rhonda, help, help me Rhonda

Yes Dear and I don't go out of town a lot. Between her classes and my work, it's tough to find time and even when we do find time, we're not always anxious to load up the car, drive for a few hours, spend a day or two somewhere and then drive home. Sometimes it's just easier to relax at home.

But like most people, one of the first things we do when we get home is check our messages. Sadly, we use the number of messages we have on our machine to determine the amount of love our friends have for us. For example, if we leave town for a weekend and have no messages when we get home, we come to the only rational conclusion that can be reached - no one loves us.

Air Conditioner update: We interrupt this regularly scheduled blog entry for an important bulletin. When I arrived home from work tonight, I was greeted by the cool air that can only come from a massive refrigerator being installed in our guest room or from a fully functioning air conditioner. After a quick check of the house to determine if we needed to find a new place to stay when friends visit, I deduced that our air conditioner was, indeed, working. My suspicions were confirmed when I felt the cool, conditioned air coming from a vent overhead. With the recent developments, plans for a four-state killing spree have been scrapped. We now return you to your regularly scheduled blog.

While we check our messages daily, my parental units go days at a time without checking. If it wasn't for Official Brother living there, I'm not sure they'd ever know if we called them.

But now, faithful readers, I need your help. We've had the same message on our machine since we got married. (It was one of the first things we did when we got back from our honeymoon. For some reason, Yes Dear wanted people to know she'd taken my last name.)

However, after nearly two years, it's time for a change. I've decided I want a musical number to greet our callers when they dial us up, but I can't pick the song. So far, I've narrowed it down to three choices.

1.) "What's your name" by Lynyrd Skynyrd

2.) "Hello, I love you" by The Doors

3.) "Who are you?" by The Who

Please post your vote in the comments section (you're free to go off the board if you want) and I'll let you know what we go with sometime in the near future.

Weekend plans: Heading to Charleston, S. C. to visit Yes Dear's family Friday and Saturday before returning home Sunday for another fun-filled day of laundry.
Cubs Update: Off day on Thursday before starting a three-game series with the Yankees
On Deck: My addiction to ESPN