Friday, June 24, 2005

Sorry, sorry . . .

I know, I know, I promised you a post today, but I'm not really in a writing mood, so I'll leave you with this . . . Elle McPherson and her longtime boyfriend have split up . . . so for all you single guys, good news, she's avaiable.

Single female, seeking blogger.

So both McPherson and Nicole Kidman are single . . . it's a great time to be alive if your a single male.

What was Tom thinking?

Have a great weekend all and I'll type to you again soon.

Weekend plans: Nothing (and that's just fine with me)
Vehicle update: My truck wouldn't start Thursday night. I think it's just a fuel pump. I'm keeping my fingers crossed it's nothing major.
Cubs Update: Currently losing to the White Sox 1-0 after one inning (Obviously this part will be outdated by the time you read this, but I'm trying)