Monday, August 15, 2005

I don't like Mondays

Today's blog title comes from the Boomtown Rats. Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.

We had a column in today's Statesboro Herald written by one of our reporters about her experience this weekend watching the police raid a local club. Nothing so unusual about that. Police reporters often get tipped off about where a raid might be and when said raid might occur.

What is interesting, from my standpoint, is when it happened. The police raid didn't start until around 2 a.m. (that's in the morning!). And this intrepid reporter was in her truck at 2 a.m. watching the events unfold. God bless her.

For the most part I like my job. I haven't been fired yet, so the higher-ups must believe I'm at least competent in my professional endeavors for the day. But there's a better chance of Osama bin Laden winning an election in New York City than there is of me going somewhere for work at 2 a.m. There's really only two things I should be doing at that hour . . . sleeping or getting ready to turn off the playstation to begin sleeping.

A better employee would be excited for the opportunity to be given a heads up about a surprise raid at 2 a.m. I, on the other hand, would call for details when I got to work. That's why I'm not a better employee.

Fortunately for me, the city council never feels the need to call a meeting at 2 a.m., but if they do, there's a good chance I'll not be there.

Weekend update: As you may have read, Yes Dear was busy for most of the weekend, so I got reacquainted with my Playstation2. Lest you think I wasted the entire weekend, I also did the dishes, washed, dried and folded the laundry and watched the Cubs game Sunday night.

Fantasy update: Elizabeth Hurley hasn't taken the time to track me down yet, but in other fantasy news, it was an up and down week for the Fighting Squirrels, going 11-0-1 in one league to move into fourth place, but falling 6-10-1 in my other league to remain in sixth place. Fortunately, it looks like I'll make the playoffs in both leagues.

Also on the fantasy front (sorry guys, only one picture, even though there's two entries), fantasy football starts soon. As of now, I'll be in three leagues, so for the first part of September, there will be quite a bit of fantasy news (and maybe even an entire entry dedicated the Fighting Squirrels.) As always, feel free to skip right over that part.

Cubs update: After losing eight straight, the Cubs have won three out of four to give hope to the fans that didn't jump off the bandwagon. While I still don't think they'll make the playoffs, there's still hope, and as Andy Dufresne said, "Hope is a good thing, and no good thing ever dies." Of course, Red said "Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane."

Inflated Ego update: One of Yes Dear's best friends works at the same recreational facility that Official Brother works at. Despite that fact, they'd never met until last week. After a few minutes of talking, Yes Dear's friend declared Official Brother "is the funniest person I've ever met." Sadly, Official Brother has not let us hear the end of it yet.

Big Brother update: James (the Georgia Southern guy) is remarkably still alive in the game. Despite the fact that he's a GSU guy, I'm pulling for him to get kicked out of the house this week. (Yes, yes, I know. Reality TV!?! How could you?! You're better than that! Truthfully, I'm not better than that, that's why I watch. It's mindless entertainment and a welcome diversion from the rest of the world.)

In my CD Player: John Lee Hooker's greatest hits
What I'm watching: Probably some Law & Order reruns.
On Deck: Reader's choice (submit ideas in the comments and I'll write my thoughts about it. Think of it as a one-way blog exchange in which you do no work.)

Thanks for reading and, as always, take care of yourself, and each other.