Monday, July 11, 2005

It's a small world after all . . .

It's going to be a short post tonight. The Home Run Derby is about to come on and I won't want to miss it. (By the way, my prediction is Carlos Lee winning the derby.) Anyway, on to the post.

For the past two years, we've been receiving mail for the former resident of our apartment. It's never anything important, usually junk mail that we just throw away.

So imagine my surprise when we attended a wedding recently when a friend of Yes Dear's introduced us to that same tenant. We talked about the pros and cons of the apartment, our mutual neighbor (before she moved) and random stuff about it. It's weird to meet someone who you know has been naked in your bathroom before.

Weekend update: Friday night we visited my parents for dinner and spent some time with them. Saturday, we went to a wedding in the morning and I did some work at the office for a while. Sunday we watched the Cubs and went out to dinner before watching some TV. Overall, a fairly non-eventful weekend.

Dodgeball Update: Friday afternoon before going to my parents, I played dodgeball with Yes Dear's coworkers. I had a blast and forgot just how fun that game is. I also forgot how badly out of shape I am. Saturday I was sore and Sunday, it hurt to move. In fact, Saturday night, I woke myself up several times because when I would roll over, it would hurt so much I would wake up. Here it is Monday night and I'm still feeling a little soreness in my shoulder. Not good times.

Fantasy Update: Jill Hennessy still hasn't called, but in other fantasy news, the Fighting Squirrels had a decent week, going 9-6-2 in one league to move into fourth place while not doing so well in my other league, falling 5-7 to remain in fifth place.

Scott Update: No word on whether Scott has apologized about being so wrong about Wyatt Sexton, the Florida State quarterback who was arrested and claimed he was God. It turns out it was Lyme Disease. (I can write this because he works two cubicles away from me. If I don't know you personally, I'm not going to call you out, don't worry.)

On Deck: Luke by the numbers plus the link of the week
Next update: Wednesday.