Friday, May 19, 2006

The three people you meet for dinner

Suppose you could invite any three people in the world to join you for dinner. Who would those three people be and why? (I was going to say which four people, but I got lazy, sorry.)

When considering who I’d want to invite to dinner, there are several considerations to take into account. Obviously you’re not going to want to invite people who don’t get along. I don’t want to invite Tom Cruise and Matt Lauer and have my nice dinner turn into a debate about psychiatric care.

This would be my one chance to get three other people in a room to discuss all the things I’m interested in (and if you’ve been reading for a while, you know that basically boils down to sports, courtroom dramas and pretty girls.) With that in mind, here are the three people I’m inviting, and why.

Bill Simmons: columnist and pop culture guru is the cornerstone of my little get together. Able to speak semi-intelligently about issues ranging from Survivor to the importance of middle relief in today’s baseball. (Granted, ever since the Boston Red Sox won the World Series in 2004, he’s written considerably less about baseball, much to the disappointment of die-hard Simmons fans at the Sons of the Sports Guy website.

Despite that, Simmons seems like an incredibly down to earth guy who could carry on conversations about anything and everything and still make them funny and interesting is why I want him on board. Plus, if we became friends, he could start including the phrase “my buddy Luke” in his columns. Then I could garner some sort of cult following where deranged Sports Guy fans camp outside my house in the hopes of catching a glimpse of me. But I’d treat them like dirt and call the police on them because I’m a petty person who wouldn’t have time for the little people.

Erik Kuselias: Host of the Sports Bash on ESPN Radio (Monday – Friday, 4-7 p.m. Eastern), this former lawyer has one of the most entertaining radio shows on the air today. Insightful, humorous, and usually thought provoking, Kuselias’ show is the number one reason I get very little work done during the latter part of my day.

Featured in this USA Today article (second story down) Kuselias has said Simmons is one of his favorite columnists, so there’s no reason to worry they wouldn’t get along. Add to that the fact that Simmons filled in for three days on Kuselias’ show last year (he’s a much better writer than radio host), and you’ve got a solid start to our fun little party.

(And I forgot to mention that he ends his radio show every night encouraging his listeners to break out the wine, put on the Barry White. When it’s time to make your move and she brushes you back like a Roger Clemens fastball, it ain’t Barry White’s fault.)

George Will: Given my utter lack of discussion of politics on this site and the fact that I am neither a conservative nor a liberal, some might find it odd that I would want to invite noted conservative columnist George Will to the party. However, people seem to forget that Will is a huge baseball fan, even writing the book “Men at Work: The Craft of Baseball.” He also played a prominent role in the Ken Burns documentary “Baseball” which aired about a decade ago.

Sure, it’s a risk to invite someone with Will’s political background and knowledge to a party, but I’m hoping everyone follows the “don’t talk about religion and politics in polite company” rule. Besides, once Will and Simmons start debating the minutia of baseball, I’m feeling pretty good that I could sit back and soak up their knowledge of the game.

Weekend plans: I’ve got to work Saturday morning, covering the WalkAmerica March of Dimes (shouldn’t they be marching for quarters, or better yet, C-Notes? They’d raise more money that way.) Other than that, it’s probably a lot of packing and getting ready for the big move. We may go see The DaVinci Code at some point this weekend.

Minion Update: I’ve got a minion, but since I never actually thought I’d get one, I’ve got nothing for her to do. She is cleaning my desk at work this weekend, which is nice, but other than that, I’ve got nothing. Feel free to send any ideas I could make this 10-year-old do that won’t permanently scar her for life and that her mother (my co-worker) will let her do.

Cubs Update: We finally got Kerry Wood back yesterday. He pitched five innings, gave up four runs and the Cubs lost 5-3. We’re . . . uhhh . . . we’re not very good.

That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard update: Politician on lobbyists: "The baby Jesus accepted gifts, and I don't think it corrupted him." From here.

It’s Friday night, put on the Barry White albums, break out the George Will columns, devise plans for your minion with your sweetie while watching the Cubs lose. And when it’s time to make your move and she gives you the “I’ve got to get up early for the March of Dimes” line, remember, it ain’t Barry White’s fault.