Blocking out the scenery breaking my mind
Do this, don't do that, can't you read the sign
The great poet Jim Morrison once wrote “people are strange.”
The more I go though life, the more I agree with him.
Today, I went to the bank to deposit my meager earnings with them as I do every other Friday. As I was driving up, I saw a lady with a sign and thought “great, who is protesting what now?”
But that’s where the story gets strange.
She wasn’t protesting the Iraq war or the city’s proposed ordinance regarding parking in front yards. She wasn’t urging us to free Tibet or to eat only free range chicken drink only free range coffee.
Nope. Instead, her sign read “have a great day” and she was shouting the same message to passing motorists.
My first thought was “oh, that’s nice of her,” but the more I thought about it, the more confused I got.
First off, why is she shouting at me. Perhaps her message would have had more of an impact if she told me the same thing in a more soothing tone. After all, more than 70 percent of all communication is non-verbal (a statistic I just made up, but admit it, it sounded good.) Shouting at me has never made me have a great day.
Secondly, how is this supposed to improve my day? Some random stranger holding a sign is supposed to make me forget I’m dropping more than $700 on car repairs. If she really wanted me to have a good day, she could offer to help pay for my car or buy me lunch. Heck, if she’d quit yelling at me, my day would improve.
Finally, doesn’t this woman have anything better to do with her time? If she really wanted people to have a good day, couldn’t she go volunteer at any of the numerous non-profit organizations throughout the area?
So now I’m perplexed. It reminds me of the Lewis Black situation where

To steal a joke from Family Guy, I haven’t been this confused since the end of Waterworld.
Cut to scene of Chris Griffin walking out of the theater: “How does Kevin Costner keep getting work?”

In fantasy football news, the Fighting Squirrels are 1-2 in one league and 2-1 in the other, but we’re looking forward to improving after Zeta-Jones joining the teams after her duties with the baseball team are complete (Someone’s got to give the guys orange wedges at halftime.)
Neighborhood update: One of Yes Dear’s coworkers and her husband recently moved into the neighborhood. They’re nice and I really like them. Good times for us.
Work update: No work tonight, no work this weekend. That’s the last I want to think about it until Monday.
Hope everyone is doing well. Enjoy your weekend and thanks for reading.