Thursday, January 20, 2005

Is it possible I'm not as smart as I think I am?

I'm beginning to believe what Yes Dear tells me all the time, especially when it comes to conversations with Official Brother.

You see, for the most part, Official Brother and I have the same sense of humor. At this point, we've each seen the same shows enough to know what the other is thinking when it comes time to make a joke.

We might be watching something on television and one of those annoying promotions will pop up in the corner of the screen, reminding us that American Idol debuts soon or that there's a new episode of Joey coming up next, and we'll both race to be the first to quote Tim Meadows from a Saturday Night Live sketch mocking cable news and their over reliance on graphics.

"Here's a picture of the Terminator. Yeah, that's cool."

I bring this up because today at work, Sports Guy was talking about a conversation he had with his girlfriend in which they were comparing African-American and British literature. It didn't go like this:

Him: So, African-Americans write stuff.
Her: Yeah, so do the British.
Him: You know, they both write in English.
Her: Yeah, and they both read from left to right.

Apparently it went into the deep social and political aspects of the different writers and their effect on society. Sports Guy said this went on for quite a while.

It was at that point I realized I'm not smart enough to talk to him anymore.

While he and his girlfriend were analyzing literature and actually having something important to say, Official Brother and I talk about things that directly affect our everyday life.

Take New Year's Day, for example. ABC decided it would change from their "box" graphic to show the score, down and distance, and time for football games to the FOX-like line across the top of the screen. However, ABC's graphic only extends about halfway across the screen, unlike FOX's graphics which seem to have a lot of wasted space. (These are the things I think about, seriously)

For about 99.44 percent of Americans watching the games that day, it didn't really matter and probably didn't even warrant a mention.

Not so for Official Brother and myself. We spent the better part of 45 minutes discussing the pro's and con's of the new graphic, as well as the possible reasoning for switching from something new with only four games remaining in the season. We also wondered why ESPN didn't switch during its plethora of bowl games leading up to and including New Year's Day. (ABC and ESPN are both owned by Disney).

As for conclusions, Official Brother said he liked the new graphics while I preferred the "old" graphics that had been used for about five years.

I'm beginning to think I really need something better to do with my time.

What I'm watching: I Love the 90s; Part Deux
In my Playstation2: Madden 2005
On Deck: Why I've asked Armstrong Williams to give the president my phone number