Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Handel's Halleluja chorus

Amidst all the remembrances of 9/11, a slightly less significant anniversary passed without a mention. Sept. 9th marked the completion of my third year at the Statesboro Herald. There was no fanfare. No parties to commemorate the day. In fact, I just went in, did my job and left.

For three years I've toiled at the herald, covering the comings and goings of the Statesboro City Council. I've only missed three regular meetings in that time . . . one for my honeymoon and two for the subsequent anniversaries. Sadly, I think I've got a better attendance record than everyone on the council.

Anyway, I say all that to tell you the good news I received today. After more than three years (albeit ever so slightly more), I'm finally getting Internet access at my computer. (Why the picture of the random girl? Because when I did a Google Image Search for "Internet", she was on the second page of results. I wish I knew why, but I don't.)

No longer will I have to go to another desk to goof off at work. (note to any higher-ups who read this: The term "goof off" is slang for "research my work." All the kids are saying it. And with your permission, I'd like to goof off all day at work.) No longer will I have to be inconvenienced when reading the Sports Guy or Fark and the guy who actually sits at that computer actually walks in and wants his desk. No longer will I have to check my fantasy teams at times convenient only to my coworkers. No, now I can do it at the comforts of my own cubicle.

You might be thinking "wow, he works at a newspaper and doesn't have Internet access at his desk. How does he give a full picture of the days events?" The answer, of course, is that I don't. Granted, I still won't now that I have the internet. I'll just have to find another excuse as to why I don't. (I'm thinking of going with "I'm just not very good at my job.")

Big Brother 6 update: We're down to the final three. The season ends Tuesday. One week from today is the last Big Brother 6 update ever. I know you're saddened, but it'll be ok.

Link of the Week: Ok, I admit, I don't give you guys a link every week, but it's free, so don't complain. Anyway, here's a great story from The Onion about the rise in home-churching.

Bonus Link of the Week: I love this guy's blog. Donate if you can.

On Deck: You know, when I first started blogging, I always seemed to have an idea for the next post, but now that I've done it a while, I really have no clue what I'm going to write about two days in advance. Nevertheless, I'm keeping the "On Deck" portion of the blog because it feels wrong not to.

Next update: Friday