Thursday, October 13, 2005

Lonely no more

After missing on a perfectly good Matchbox 20 song earlier this month, I'm still trying to atone for that mistake. With that in mind, I give you Rob Thomas' Lonely no more.

I think I'm still married.

I'd like to be more confident about this,but the most in-depth conversation Yes Dear and I have had in the past three weeks has gone like this:

Me (after she get's home from school at 7 p.m.): What do you want to do for dinner?

Her: I don't know. I don't have time to cook and I need to get working on my thesis.

Me (knowing that if I have to cook, we'll both starve to death): Well, we could go out to eat, but I kind of wanted to watch the game.

Her (also wanting to watch the game): What time does it come on?

Me: It just started.

Her: Well, lets go somewhere where we can watch the game and eat and then, when we get back, I can work on my thesis and you can watch the game.

That's it. That's the most in-depth conversation in the past three weeks that I've had with the woman who willing took my last name. Otherwise, it's been the perfunctory "how was your day?" as she passed though the living room to go work on the computer.

We both knew that when the rubber met the road with her thesis that she'd be busy writing, proof reading and rewriting. I just don't think either of us were ready for the massive amount of time she's had to dedicate to it.

It's almost like I'm a bachelor. I can watch what I want, when I want. A ballgame I want to watch, no problem. A Law & Order night, sounds good. It's amazing. Growing up with two brothers, I didn't have this kind of freedom over the television. (Seriously, I'm going to need counseling to break this habit when she's done.) Because she's been so busy, the apartment (or, as we call it, "El Casa de Martin") hasn't had a good, through cleaning since early September. Dishes pile up in the sink until I realize we don't enough plates to prepare a sandwich. (If she'd known I was such a slob, I doubt she'd be Yes Dear.)

She feels badly about spending so much time working on her thesis. In fact, she asked me not to tell my parents (her in-laws) that she's been so busy that she hasn't cooked in three weeks. (So do me a favor, don't pass this on to my parents . . . thanks guys.) I told her she's got nothing to feel bad about, but she feels she's not being a "good wife."

She's been told she should be done with everything thesis-related by the end of the month, at which point there will be a massive celebration the likes of which most of you have probably seen before. Then, when she graduates on December 10, there will be another party, again, the likes of which you've all seen before.

And what happens after that . . . well, she's the one with the Master's Degree, so I'll probably quit my job and let her support me for a while. (By the way, if that happens, there's a nearly 100 percent chance I'll be looking for a place to stay, as well as a new wife, so if any of you can offer either of those in the event they're needed, I would appreciate it.)

Weekend plans: Yes Dear has to wake up before God to work at the Hoofin for Habitat race Saturday morning and then she's going to the Library to work on her thesis, and since I won't get home until late Friday night and will be asleep when she leaves Saturday morning, there's a chance I won't see my wife from Wednesday night (when we went to bed, she left Thursday for a conference) until Saturday evening. In other words, based on what you've read above, that's pretty much par for the course right now. I'll pass the time watching baseball, football and Saturday Night Live. Sunday, more baseball, football and Desperate Housewives.

Georgia Southern update: For those interested, Georgia Southern will be on Fox Sports South Saturday afternoon at 3:30 p.m. In other words, please don't call me Saturday afternoon at 3:30.

Next Post: Monday evening (Eastern time)