Friday, September 23, 2005

Rock you like a hurricane

I realize some may see my title in poor taste, given the current world situation. I'm inclined to agree, but there's just not that many songs with "hurricane" in the title.

If you ever see Jim Cantore in your city, you know you need to leave. You might not know what's going on. You might think everything's ok.

You'd be wrong.

Cantore is the Evil Knievel of the Weather Channel meterologists. If there's danger sure to ensue, Cantore will be there. I get the feeling if he goes out to eat, the staff at the restaurant grows a little uneasy.

Seriously, if you see this man anywhere near you, run to your car and drive far, far away.

Granted, I guess he could sing "Rock you like a hurricane" to his wife and actually know what he's talking about.

No updates today, look for them to return Monday.

Have a great weekend all.