Monday, October 17, 2005

Three is the magic number . . .

Come on, you know you love School House Rock.

Bored at work one night, I started clicking the "Next Blog" button to see what interesting things I would come across on this whole internet thingy. My three observations:

1. The word "Random" appears in nearly every blog. There may not be a more overused word in blogland than "random." Honestly, there are other words that mean the same thing, including, but not limited to: chance, casual, haphazard, desultory. (Desultory?!? If I saw that, I'd definitely stop reading as whoever wrote that would obviously be much too intelligent for me to read.)
In case you're curious: desultory \DES-uhl-tor-ee\, adjective:
1. Jumping or passing from one thing or subject to another without order or rational connection; disconnected; aimless.

2. I saw this here and curiosity made me try it:

1. Delve into your blog archive.
2. Find your 23rd post.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.

My sentence:
I want the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue and a Victoria's Secret catalogue to appear in my mailbox on the same day.

That may be the most profound statement ever to appear in the Nexus of the Universe. (It also provides a convenient excuse for a gratuitous model photo.

3. There are too many blogs dealing with people's kids. Look, I'm sure you're excited that your little darling kicked the dog and then fed dirt to the goldfish, but the rest of us don't really care about your little hellion. Just tell your friends when they call you and quit wasting space in the Internet.
(And my promise to you: If and when I become a father, I pledge that no more than one post a month will be primarily about my kid. In that post, I will mock my child. But seriously, are you going to be reading in two years, or longer?)

Fantasy update: Heidi Klum hasn't left Seal yet (there's a sentence that really shouldn't ever be written), and in other fantasy news, the Fighting Squirrels won one league 87-77 while we currently trail in the other 72-62, all leading to
What I'm looking for tonight (not involving Yes Dear): I need Peyton Manning to throw touchdown passes to Brandon Stokley and Dallas Clark while Marc Bulger needs to throw a few interceptions. I'm not feeling good about the Squirrels' chances.

Great Blog alert: If you're not reading The Ex-Girlfriend Project, do yourself a favor and clear out some time to read it. You won't be disappointed.

Weekend update: Saturday involved Yes Dear waking up at 5:30 a.m. to volunteer at the Habitat for Humanity "Hoofin for Habitat" 5K race. I, on the other hand, slept until 10:30 and then watched football and baseball all afternoon. That night, we went out to dinner at Longhorn and then watched more baseball. Sunday, after church I watched football and baseball while she worked on her thesis.

Desperate Housewives Update: This week's episode picked up the pace from earlier in the season. Hats off to Bree's son Andrew for doing what any son would do if his mom started dating less than a month after his dad died. Boo to Susan for not getting Mike when she saw Zach. Lynnette's son had a new imaginary fried, but she was killed by a car. That was most amusing.

Book signing update: As promised, DC Brother mailed my book back after I posted his email detailing his ordeal: Simmons, a diehard Red Sox fan who understands the suffering a Cubs fan goes though, was kind enough to wish me luck with the Cubs.

Thanks for reading all. Until next time, take care of yourself, and each other.

Next Posting: Friday at noonish