Talk dirty to me
Having watched so many sports, I've had the opportunity to listen to all types of announcers. I've been fortunate to listen to some of the best in the broadcast booth, from Vin Scully in Los Angeles to current New York Yankee and soon to be great broadcaster Al Leiter providing color commentary for baseball playoffs.
Also, I've listened to some of the worst. From John Madden (mumble, mumble, mumble BOOM!) to Joe Morgan, a bad announcer can make a game utterly unwatchable.
No tandem is worse, right now, than Ken Harrelson and Darrin Jackson for the Chicago White Sox. It's like listening to two eighth graders cheer for their favorite team with total disregard to the other team. While I'd expect some bias from them as they are the White Sox announcers, they make FOX News look hostile towards Bush.
Anytime their pitcher strikes out an opposing batter, we've got to hear him say "He Gawwwn." Aside from the miserable grammar he's teaching our kids, (well, your kids, I'm still happily childless), it gets downright annoying.
If a White Sox player hits a home run, while the ball's in the air, Harrelson and Jackson say, in unison, "You can put it on the booooaaaarrrrrdddd . . . YES! (by the way, is the singular version a White Sock? I really don't know how to identify a single White Sox player.) It's fun for . . . Let's say one homerun. After that, it's obnoxious homerism at it's worst.
All of which brings me to Monday night. My satellite company, DISH Network, gave it's subscribers a free weeklong trial of Extra Innings (their package that let's you watch the majority of major league baseball games televised, even if they're not in your market.) The Cubs were playing the Reds and, unfortunately for me, we got the Reds telecast of the game. How

After hearing a lot of announcers from the various teams, I wasn't expecting much from the duo of the Reds.
Was I ever pleasantly surprised!
They were knowledgeable, informative, and most of all, remarkably unbiased and a pleasure to listen to. It made the whole ballgame enjoyable to listen to. (Of course, the Cubs won, so that made it even better.)
They made sure to point out the things the Cubs did well and poorly and, more shockingly, pointed out any of the mistakes the Reds made. It was refreshing to hear two people who know about the game and explain it mostly unbiased. Sure, they wanted the Reds to win, but they didn't let the fan in them get in the way of their job.
The Cubs television announcers are biased, but not so much that it gets in the way of questioning a decision the players or coaches make. I wish they'd talk a little more about the Cubs opponents on a given night, but all in all, I like them.
Not Good Times Update: I was about a mile from my apartment on my way home from work today when a lady slammed into the back of my truck. Fortunately neither of us were injured, but I can't say the same for our vehicles. Her car had extensive damage to the front end. My truck, meanwhile, had the bumper absorb most of the impact, but it took a pretty good shot. Also, the force of the wreck caused my head to slam into the window behind me, leaving a pretty nice hole in it, (the window, not my head.) To make things worse, it was raining and my umbrella has been missing for a few months, so I was standing in the rain waiting for the police. Fortunately, it wasn't my fault, but I'd have preferred to to be involved in an accident at all.
Health update: It turns out my wife does have a kidney infection, which is not good as she also has a final tomorrow in her class. As for me, I have a knot in my head, but otherwise, I'm ok.
Link of the Week: Apparently, my fantasy sports opponents have figured out how to stop the Fighting Squirrels.
Car Update: While my truck will soon be out of commission for a few days to get fixed, Yes Dear's car is up and running again, only the people who fixed the radiator apparently forgot to reconnect the air conditioner. Just a reminder, I live in south Georgia and it's July. In other words, air conditioning is vital to a happy Yes Dear. She's hoping to get it fixed in the morning.
On Deck: I ask you, my faithful readers, for advice.
Next Update: Friday or Saturday.